Praying the Lord's Prayer in the End Times
GOING LIVE ONLINE 10/14 & 10/21 2020
Praying the Lord's Prayer in the End Times is a LIVE ONLINE Term 1 2020 MINI COURSE held virtually on Zoom on Two Consecutive Wednesdays October 14 & 21 from 7:00–9:30pm.
Course Description
The Lord's Prayer, perhaps better called The Disciples' Prayer, is not the prayer of comfortable persons who are satisfied with the treasures of the kingdoms of this world. It is the desperate daily plea of those who have accepted their role as the new covenant, new creation kingdom of priests. They are the ones who by trust, dependence, and obedience see through the present evil age and recognize that this world is not as it should be. Moreover, they know that only God can set it right! It is the mainstay daily prayer of those who truly seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. When the earliest disciples of Yeshua the Messiah prayed this prayer, they were not passively waiting around for the Kingdom of God to come to earth. Rather, it is as if they were ascending to heaven to bring it down to earth forever! Is this our robust habit of daily prayer? Come discover how those who live at the intersection of the heavens and the earth pray the Lord's Prayer in the end times!
We will begin with what it means to address God as 'Father' (a meaning that has been lost in history which will surprise you). We will continue petition by petition: (1) "sanctified be Your name"; (2) "may Your kingdom come, may Your will be done, as in heaven so also on earth"; (3) "give us this day our daily bread"; (4) "forgive us our debts as we forgive those who are indebted to us"; and (5) "lead us not into testing, but on the contrary deliver us from the evil one".
This MSI LIVE ONLINE course meets LIVE via Zoom on 10/14 and 10/21, but the LIVE ONLINE sessions for this course will be recorded and available to revisit whenever you desire. The videos will be uploaded as soon as possible after the LIVE ONLINE session here in the course page. We encourage you to follow the schedule closely and plan ahead to be with us for these LIVE courses so you can get the most out of lifelong learning with MSI.
Once you enroll in the course you will have access to the class session pages and Zoom videoconferencing link for each week's session by going to 'My Courses', selecting this course, and reviewing the materials in the curriculum.
GOING LIVE ONLINE October 14 & 21
Your Instructor
Henri’s primary interests include the Biblical languages (specializing in Biblical Greek); the reciprocal relationship between the Tanakh and the New Covenant Scriptures; the study of the New Covenant Scriptures from the 'Within Judaism Perspective'; the Way of the LORD as a Biblical worldview and way of life; the origin, meaning, and instantiation of ekklēsia; the Jewish-Graeco-Roman milieu of the New Covenant Scriptures; 2nd Temple Jewish Literature, especially the 'Pseudepigrapha'; the full Good News; the kingship/kingdom of God; the letters of Paul; ancient rhetoric; hermeneutics; paradigms; and conceptual metaphor. He is a member of the SBL and the SPOSTST, and has served as an Adjunct Instructor of Biblical Greek and/or NT at the seminaries of Ashland and Capital University. Henri currently serves as the Academic Dean and Executive Director of MSI, as well as the Education Coordinator of Beth Messiah Congregation.
Course Contents
StartClass 1 Slidedeck
Start'Meekness' by Sam Meier
StartClass 1 Part 1 Video (30:33)
StartClass 1 Part 2 Video (26:50)
StartClass 1 Part 3 Video (10:34)
StartClass 1 Part 4 Video (21:38)
StartClass 2 Slidedeck
StartClass 2 Video 1 (37:38)
StartClass 2 Video 2 (40:24)
StartClass 2 Video 3 (26:21)
StartClass 2 Video 4 (15:07)
Start'Abba' is Not 'Daddy' by James Barr