MSI Faculty & Staff

Henri Louis Goulet

Chief Visionary Officer, Board,
Academic Dean, & Faculty

Henri’s primary interests include the Biblical languages (specializing in Biblical Greek); the reciprocal relationship between the Tanakh and the New Covenant Scriptures; the study of the New Covenant Scriptures from the 'Within Judaism Perspective'; the Way of the LORD as Biblical worldview and way of life; the origin, meaning, and instantiation of ekklēsia; the Jewish-Graeco-Roman milieu of the New Covenant Scriptures; 2nd Temple Jewish literature, especially the 'Pseudepigrapha'; the FULL Good News; the kingship/kingdom of God; the letters of Paul; ancient rhetoric; hermeneutics; paradigms; and conceptual metaphor. He is a member of the SBL and the SPOSTST, and has served as an Adjunct Instructor of Biblical Greek and/or NT at the seminaries of Ashland and Capital University. Henri currently serves as the Academic Dean and Executive Director of MSI.

Ph.D. Studies (Unfinished), University of Cape Town, Biblical Studies, 2007–2010; S.T.M., Capital University, Biblical Studies, 2007; M.A., Ashland University, Biblical Studies, 2003; B.S., The Ohio State University, Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1984.

Marcy Kotting

Board Member & Faculty

Marcy has had a lifelong passion for Jewish worship and liturgy, and the Hebrew language that supports them, having been raised in Judaism. She has taught Hebrew for MSI since its inception, and has previously taught Hebrew for MJTI. She is also MSI's main instructor on the Jewish Holidays. Marcy has played an active role in several Messianic Jewish ministries including the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, the Association of Messianic Believers, and Chevra USA. Moreover, she is a long-term member of the MSI Board. Marcy is the Liturgist for Beth Messiah Congregation, where she also trains Bar and Bat Mitzvah students.

M.A., Biblical Languages 2023, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; M.C.R.P., The Ohio State University, 1983; B.A., The Ohio State University, 1980.

Howard R. Silverman

Board President & Faculty

Howard's primary interests include the Hebrew Bible, Biblical studies, Rabbinic Literature, Jewish culture and tradition, and the Jewish essence of the New Covenant Scriptures and faith. He has been in full-time Jewish ministry since 1980, and has served as the Congregational Leader of Beth Messiah Congregation since 1991. Howard has been the President of MSI as well as a Board and Faculty member since its inception in 1994. He was the President of the UMJC from 2008–2012.

M.A., Messianic Jewish Theological Institute (MJTI), Jewish Studies, 2016; Graduate Studies, The Ohio State University, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, 2000–2003; Advanced Studies Diploma, Moody Bible Institute, 1980; B.S., State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, 1979.

Dr. Sam A. Meier


Dr. Meier began teaching at the Ohio State University in 1986 in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, and is the author of The Messenger in the Ancient Semitic World (1988), Speaking of Speaking: Marking Direct Discourse in Biblical Hebrew (1992), and Themes and Transformations in Old Testament Prophecy (2009). He also serves as Adjunct Professor of History, where he teaches the History of Ancient Israel. Among his many honors, he has been a guest at the Rockefeller Study and Conference Center in Bellagio (Italy), has been the Edwards Lecturer in Philosophy and Religion, and was recognized as the Bronfmann Distinguished Visiting Professor of Jewish Studies (College of William and Mary). Dr. Meier has received the Ohio State University Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award, as well as the Rodica C. Botoman Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring. He is presently engaged in research in the Deuteronomistic History and prophecy in ancient Israel.

Ph.D., Harvard University, Hebrew & Semitic Languages and Literatures, 1987; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, Old Testament and Semitics; B.A., UCLA, Ancient Near Eastern Civilization.

Ellie Wiener Headshot
Ellie Wiener

Adjuct Faculty

Ellie Wiener is a PhD candidate at Cambridge University specializing in the Tanakh (OT) with a particular focus on the Book of Job. Her academic journey began at Gordon College, followed by a double MA at Gordon-Conwell in Tanakh (OT) and Biblical languages. Known for her impressive feat of memorizing the entire Book of Job in Hebrew, Ellie is keen on exploring the theological and linguistic intricacies of this complex text. Her work is characterized by a joyful engagement with Scripture, challenging the stereotypical perceptions of Biblical academia.

Jason Moraff Headshot
Dr. Jason Moraff

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Jason Moraff is Chair of the Department of Theological Studies, Program Director of Master of Theological Studies, and Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at The King’s University in Southlake, TX. Raised in an interfaith, multiethnic household and within the Messianic Jewish movement, Jason became interested in Biblical studies when he realized that, as a Jewish follower of Jesus, he interpreted the Bible, particularly the New Testament, differently from his Gentile Christian peers. In his academic work and in the classroom, he seeks to address anti-Judaism in Christian theology and preaching, and to develop post-supersessionist New Testament interpretation. He loves helping students mature as disciples of Jesus who serve faithfully in the Community of Messiah followers and the world. Jason enjoys sports, music, the outdoors, and spending time with his wonderful wife, two daughters, and dog.

Dr. Joel Willitts

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Willitts has been a professor in Biblical and Theological Studies at North Park University (Chicago, IL) since 2006. In addition, he has taught as an adjunct at Judson College (Elgin, IL), Wheaton College, Northern Seminary (Lombard, IL), and The Kings University (Dallas, TX) in their Messianic Jewish Studies Program. He is the author of Matthew's Messianic Shepherd-King: In Search of 'The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel' and The Kregel Pictorial Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls, and has co-edited several works including Introduction to Messianic Judaism with David J. Rudolph. In all of his research and writings, Dr. Willitts approaches the New Covenant Scriptures as Jewish literature of the Second Temple Period showing the continuity between the two Testaments of Messianic Scripture. In addition to several chapter and article length studies, Dr. Willitts is currently working on three major projects: a monograph on the Epistle to the Galatians, a book length study of the story of the Bible as David’s story, and a book length introduction to the Jewish Context of the New Testament for students.

Ph.D., Cambridge University, New Testament, 2007; M.Phil., Cambridge University, New Testament, 2002; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, Old and New Testaments, 2001; B.S., Liberty University, Ministry, 1993.

Dr. David M. Moffitt

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Moffitt’s research interests orbit around the various ways the earliest Messiah followers understood Yeshua and their own identities in relation to Jewish scripture, practices, and beliefs. His work is especially focused on the Epistle to the Hebrews and the strategies the text employs to interpret early Messianic claims about Yeshua's person, death, resurrection, and ascension in high-priestly and sacrificial terms. His book on Hebrews (Atonement and the Logic of Resurrection in the Epistle to the Hebrews) attempts to show that the Christology and Soteriology developed by the author rests upon his correlation of the basic narrative of early Messianic proclamation (i.e., Yeshua’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension) with the ritual process of the Yom Kippur sacrifices, the end goal of which was the restoration and maintenance of fellowship between God and creation (i.e., atonement).

Dr. Moffitt has been a Fulbright Scholar (Germany 2006–2007). His book Atonement and the Logic of Resurrection in the Epistle to the Hebrews was a recipient of a Manfred Lautenschläger Award for Theological Promise (2013). He has also received a British Academy Small Research Grant to engage in research on several mosaics depicting sacrifice located in and around Ravenna.

Dr. Daniel Nessim

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Daniel Nessim is a Jewish disciple of Yeshua who is passionate about seeing Jewish people come to know their Messiah and grow in their faith in Him.

Dr. Nessim holds a PhD in Theology and Religion from the University of Exeter (England), having focused his studies on the life of the earliest Messiah followers and their beliefs. He is the co-author of Introducing Your Jewish Friend to Yeshua and has also written Derech Yeshua: The Way of Salvation and a Messianic Jewish prayer book.

Michael Gabizon

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Gabizon graduated from the Religious Studies department at McMaster University in 2022, where he wrote his dissertation “The Identity of Mixed Offspring in the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Literature.” His scholarly research includes the construction of Jewish identity in antiquity, the development of Messianic hope in Jewish thought, and matters pertinent in the modern day Messianic Movement. Dr. Gabizon has delivered lectures at McMaster University, taught as an adjunct at The Kings University (Dallas, TX), and is currently the Teaching Associate at Beth Ariel Messianic Congregation in Montreal, QC. He has published on the topic of messianism in Isaiah and the matrilineal principle in Judaism, and is currently researching for the Messianic Bible Project, which seeks to identify the diverse ways Jewish communities have interpreted passages in the Hebrew Bible and applied them to the Messiah. Michael is married to his wife, Hannah, and they have four children.

Ph.D., McMaster University, Early Judaism, 2022; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, Old Testament and Hebrew & Cognate Studies, 2015; B.A. Moody Bible Institute, 2010.

Dr. Stuart Dauermann

Adjuct Faculty

Rabbi Stuart Dauermann holds a PhD in Intercultural Studies. A multi-media communicator, he focuses on increasing understanding and improving communication at the intersection where the Jewish and Christian worlds encounter each other and the Jewish Jesus. He has a Messianic Jewish vision for serving the Jewish people's tomorrow, today.

His doctoral dissertation, The Rabbi as a Surrogate Priest, explores the evolution of the rabbinic role, identifying sixteen functions performed by rabbis, and finding their roots in the roles of priests and Levites in First and Second Temple Judaism. In 2017, he published Converging Destinies: Jews, Christians, and the Mission of God, exploring the complementary roles of the Jewish and Christian worlds in the purposes of the God of Israel, and how we should live together accountable to Him.

In 2022 he published Eat This Book: Strength for Your Journey With The Jewish Jesus, a guide to apprenticing disciples of Yeshua in the Jewish context.

Krista Ball Headshot
Krista J. Ball

Dean of Students

Krista became committed to lifelong learning while teaching young people in a variety of Bible study ministries. As she challenged her students to think deeply about what is really important in life, and encouraged them to critically examine their belief systems in accordance with Scripture, she searched for robust opportunities to become richly engaged in Biblical study and discovered what she refers to as the "gold mine of rich learning opportunities at MSI.” She pursued studies in apologetics, the Biblical languages, and the Jewish essence of the faith, and continued to study until she completed both the Basic and Advanced Certificates of MSI in 2004. Krista was appointed Dean of Students in 2007 and serves on the MSI Board. She is active in Beth Messiah's Sisterhood where she has participated in teaching and educational programs since 2012. Krista was appointed to Beth Messiah's Board of Shamashim in 2013. She is a member of the congregation's Finance Committee and serves as its Treasurer.

M.S., The Ohio State University, 1987; B.S.N., Ohio University, 1981.

MSI Board

Howard R. Silverman President

Henri Louis Goulet Chief Visionary Officer & Academic Dean

Krista J. Ball Dean of Students

Dr. David J. Rudolph Academic Consultant

Marcy G. Kotting Member At-Large