Ethnicity & Slavery: Setting the Historical Record Straight: Slaves of God & Messiah?
Mar 6 & 13
Setting the Historical Record Straight on Ethnicity & Slavery: Slaves of God & Messiah? is an ONGROUND ONLY mini course held at the Messianic Studies Institute (4950 Morse Road, Columbus, Ohio 43230) from 7:00–9:30pm TWO WEDNESDAYS: Mar 6 & 13.
Course Description:
Almost from the beginning of civilization human beings thought to enslave other human beings. Does the Bible describe or prescribe slavery? Where did the idea of being a slave of God come from? How can being a slave of God and/or Messiah in the Bible be thought of in a positive sense? Come and discover what true freedom is from the perspective of slavery to God and Messiah.
Required Textbook:
Course Dates:
Mar 6 & 13
Your Instructor
Henri’s primary interests include the Biblical languages (specializing in Biblical Greek); the reciprocal relationship between the Tanakh and the New Covenant Scriptures; the study of the New Covenant Scriptures from the 'Within Judaism Perspective'; the Way of the LORD as a Biblical worldview and way of life; the origin, meaning, and instantiation of ekklēsia; the Jewish-Graeco-Roman milieu of the New Covenant Scriptures; 2nd Temple Jewish Literature, especially the 'Pseudepigrapha'; the full Good News; the kingship/kingdom of God; the letters of Paul; ancient rhetoric; hermeneutics; paradigms; and conceptual metaphor. He is a member of the SBL and the SPOSTST, and has served as an Adjunct Instructor of Biblical Greek and/or NT at the seminaries of Ashland and Capital University. Henri currently serves as the Academic Dean and Executive Director of MSI, as well as the Education Coordinator of Beth Messiah Congregation.