Hanukkah: More Than a Holiday: Toward a Biblical Worldview
Dec 5 & 12
Hanukkah: More Than a Holiday: Toward a Biblical Worldview is an ONGROUND ONLY mini course held at the Messianic Studies Institute (4950 Morse Road, Columbus, Ohio 43230) from 7:00–9:30pm TWO WEDNESDAYS: Dec 5 & 12.
Course Description:
Hanukkah is more than a holiday. It is the celebration of an event in Jewish history that plays an important part in developing a Biblical worldview. It has to do with practicing robust faithfulness to the way of the LORD in the face of profound persecution. Come learn about the meaning of this holiday in Yeshua's day and our own.
Required textbook:
Course Dates:
Dec 5 & 12
Your Instructor
Howard's primary interests include the Hebrew Bible, Biblical studies, Rabbinic Literature, Jewish culture and tradition, and the Jewish essence of the New Covenant Scriptures and faith. He has been in full-time Jewish ministry since 1980, and has served as the Congregational Leader of Beth Messiah Congregation since 1991. Howard has been the President of MSI as well as a Board and Faculty member since its inception in 1994. He was the President of the UMJC from 2008–2012.