Salvation from Moses to Messiah


Salvation: From Moses to Messiah is an ONGROUND ONLY Session 1 (7:00–8:15pm) course held at the Messianic Studies Institute (4950 Morse Road, Columbus, Ohio 43230) Monday nights starting 9/11/2017.

Course Description:

Salvation (deliverance, rescue, preservation) is often narrowly restricted to forgiveness of sin and eternal life. We will investigate a panorama of salvation narratives prior to Yeshua—highlighting seldom read or glossed-over salvation accounts in the Tanakh (OT).

Course Dates:

Sep 11, Sep 18, Sep 25, Oct 2, Oct 9, Oct 16, Oct 23, Oct 30

2017-2018 ONGROUND Course Brochure

Your Instructor

Peter Knehans
Peter Knehans

Peter’s primary interests include the Hebrew language and Scriptures, apologetics, hermeneutics, interfaith dialogue, the Jewishness of the New Covenant Scriptures, and the Jewish heritage and essence of the faith. He has been profoundly captivated and impacted in particular by the divine presence of God from the perspective of the Tanakh, and its importance for the New Covenant Scriptures. He has served as a Minister (Illinois and Ohio), a Chaplain (San Antonio, TX), and a Student Director for Resort Ministries in four National Parks.

Course Contents

Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.